Shop policy for Country outside Japan

<Legal notice>


BPC Holdings Co., Ltd.

Representative's name

金城 浩

Post code



4-4-4 Hatchobori, Chuo-ku, Tokyo

Cost with product price

Delivery charge, Customs&Excises

Application valid period

to 7 day's after order

Sales volume

Please check each product page.

Delivery time

Follow Japan Post's EMS delivery schedule

Payment method

Credit card 


<terms of service>

BPCXTRA official online shop and website ( and together, hereinafter referred to as "this website") are operated by BPC Holdings Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "our company") or It is managed and operated by the consignment company. Please read the following terms of use carefully before using the BPCXTRA official online shop and this website. After starting to use this website, it is assumed that you have agreed to these terms of use.



・Users can purchase products using this website.

・If the user wishes to purchase a product, the user shall apply for the purchase of the product according to the method specified by the Company.

・At the time when the Company sends an e-mail to the user to the effect that the Company accepts the application in the preceding paragraph, the sales contract for the product concerned shall be concluded between the user and the Company.

・Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, if the purchaser commits fraudulent acts, inappropriate acts, or acts in violation of these Terms regarding the use of this website, the Company shall cancel or terminate the sales contract or take other appropriate measures. We shall be able to

・If you are ordering for the first time or are placing a large order, we may contact you for confirmation after placing your order.

・In order to prevent unauthorized use, we may cancel your order if there are any incomplete or suspicious points in the order information.

・To prevent fraudulent use, please use a credit card with the same name as the orderer.

・If there are any suspicious points, we may ask you to confirm the identity of the person who placed the order (confirmation by phone, submission of identification, etc.).



・We reserve the right to refuse returns if the purchaser orders large quantities, returns large quantities, repeats returns, or if we deem it to be intentional or malicious.


Link Our Site

In principle, you are free to link to this site and share it on SNS. However, if the contents of the linking website may damage our corporate image or depending on the linking method, etc., we may ask you to cancel the link and share. In addition, the Company and its affiliated companies have not confirmed websites operated by third parties that link to this Site (hereinafter referred to as "third party sites") and shared SNS accounts. , does not provide any warranty.


About trademarks, copyrights and other rights

All trademarks displayed on this website are trademarks owned or used by our company based on license or other legitimate authority. Unauthorized use of these is prohibited. In addition, all rights to the content posted on this website belong to the Company or are used under license. Therefore, it is prohibited to reprint, copy, modify, distribute, or use the contents of this website without permission, except for personal and non-commercial use.


Prohibited matter

Users shall not engage in the following acts when using this website.

・Acts that slander, slander, or damage the reputation of other users, third parties, or our company, or acts that are likely to do so

・Acts that infringe, or may infringe, the property rights or privacy of other users, third parties, or our company

・Acts that infringe or may infringe intellectual property rights (copyrights, design rights, patent rights, utility model rights, trademark rights, portrait rights) of other users, third parties, or our company

・Acts of transmitting or writing harmful computer programs, etc.

・Acts contrary to public order and morals, criminal acts, or acts that are likely to do so

・Mass orders, mass returns, repeated returns, refusal to receive after placing an order, and other acts that the Company deems to be intentional or malicious.

・Acts of using this service for commercial purposes without the Company's approval, or acts aimed at preparing for such

・Election campaigns, similar acts, and other political and religious acts

・Acts that violate laws and regulations

・Other acts that the Company deems inappropriate


Handling of cookies

We use cookies for the following purposes.

・To investigate the number of users and traffic on our site

・to improve our services;

・for security purposes




Prices, specifications, release dates, etc. of all products and services are subject to change without notice. In addition, the content and URL of this website may be changed, and the operation of this website may be suspended or terminated without prior notice.

We are not responsible for any damages caused by access to or use of this website, changes in the content or URL of this website, or suspension or discontinuation of operation of this website.

Even if the website is linked to this website, the Company does not guarantee the content of third party websites that are not under the control of the Company. is also not responsible. Regardless of good intentions or bad intentions, such sites may independently acquire customer information, so please be careful when handling information.

We are not responsible for any accidents or failures of software or hardware that occur during use.


Handling of personal information

Some parts of this website may require users to enter necessary personal information.

The Company will properly manage the personal information entered in accordance with the "Privacy Policy".

Maintenance, change, and abolition of terms and this website

・If we deem it necessary, we may change this agreement without prior notice or consent of the user.

・If all or part of these Terms are changed, the changed terms shall apply to the use of this website, and users shall comply only with the changed terms.

・In the operation and management of this website, if any of the following items apply, this service may be changed, added, suspended, or canceled as appropriate without prior notice or consent to the user.

・In the case of regular maintenance and emergency maintenance of the computer system for providing this website (hereinafter referred to as "system")

・When the operation of the system becomes difficult due to force majeure such as natural disasters such as fires, power outages, earthquakes, etc.

・When the operation of the system becomes difficult due to man-made disasters such as war, civil war, terrorism, riot, disturbance

・When system operation becomes difficult due to system failure, unauthorized access from a third party, computer virus infection, etc.

・When requested by an administrative agency or judicial agency based on reasonable grounds

・Other cases where the Company deems it necessary to stop or cancel the system out of necessity.


Governing Law and Jurisdiction

The interpretation and application of this website and these terms of use shall be governed by the laws of Japan. In addition, unless otherwise specified, the Tokyo District Court shall be the exclusive jurisdictional court of first instance for all disputes relating to this website.

The information on this site is provided mainly for people living in Japan. If the user is accessing from outside Japan, please check the product information in that country before using.



 <Shipping Policy>

Delivery Schedule

Schedule follows Japan Post's EMS

Delivery fee

Delivery fee is calculated by total volume. (Between 0 to 5kg is acceptable)
If you need to purchase more than 5kg, please contact us.



Customer shoulder Customs & Excise. 


About returns
①Returns due to customer convenience
・Customer convenience means "Ordering Incorrect product or wrong quantity"
・Please contact us within 30 days after the product arrives.
Only unused and unopened items will be accepted
・In this case, customer have to pay all cost other than product cost, such as return cost and transfer cost from Japan,

②Returns due to defective or damaged products
・Please contact us within 30 days after the product arrives.
・We will pay the shipping cost and refund you.
・We will bear the fee (transfer fee) for the refund.
・In some cases, we may be able to provide an exchange.

③The case we cannot accept returns, cancellations, or refunds
・When the product is returned unilaterally by the customer without contacting us.
・Items that have passed 30 days or more after delivery.
・When it is considered that the product has been opened or is in a poor management condition.


<Privacy Policy> 

In addition to complying with laws and regulations regarding the protection of personal information, we will handle your personal information based on the following policy.

1.Definition of personal information

Personal information is information about individuals such as customers and employees, and refers to information that can identify a specific individual by the address, name, telephone number, etc. included in the information.

2.Collection of personal information

Normally, when browsing our site (hereinafter referred to as "this site"), there is no need to enter or disclose any information about the customer, so you can freely use it anonymously. However, when registering as a member, purchasing a product, making an inquiry, reviewing a product, etc., we ask that you enter your name, address, phone number, email address, etc.

1. In order to use our services, users provide specific information such as company name, department name, name of person in charge, personal name, address, telephone number, fax number, email address, financial institution information, etc. I'll enjoy having this.
2. The information in the preceding paragraph will be used only for the purpose of providing our services (catalogs, leaflets, fax DMs, e-mail distribution, product shipments, returns and exchanges, etc.).
3. In order to receive opinions and impressions from users, we may use the minimum necessary for purposes other than the above.

3.Use of personal information

The purpose of use of personal information entrusted to us by our customers is as follows. a) Confirmation and inquiry of orders
a) When it is based on laws and regulations, and when it is necessary to cooperate with national organizations, local governments, or those entrusted by them in carrying out the affairs stipulated by laws and regulations
b )When it is necessary to protect a person's life, body or property, and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the individual When exchanging

4.Collection and use of personal information

Our shop will not disclose personal information to third parties without the consent of the customer. However, this does not apply to the following cases.

1.In order to use our services, customers are required to provide specific information such as company name, department name, name of person in charge, personal name, address, telephone number, fax number, e-mail address, financial institution information, etc. Masu.

2. The information in the preceding paragraph will be used for the following purposes.
(1) To deliver products and provide after-sales service
(2) To deliver information about our company's mail-order sales and other related services and operations, such as sending direct mails and e-mails;

3. In order to obtain opinions and impressions from customers, we may use the minimum necessary for purposes other than the above.

5.Provision and deposit of personal information

Personal information of customers and information such as transaction history with our company will not be provided or disclosed to third parties except in the following cases.

(1) When necessary for the operation of this service, including the registration set forth in the preceding paragraph
(2) When we have obtained the customer's prior consent/approval
(3) When requesting or entrusting the handling of personal information to a related outsourcing company with which we have concluded a confidentiality agreement regarding personal information within the scope necessary to achieve the purpose of use described in the preceding paragraph (example: Our affiliated outsourcing companies include companies that undertake the delivery of products, companies that undertake the transmission of telephone calls and e-mails, companies that undertake the printing of address labels for the delivery of products, catalogs and direct mail, (credit card company, collection consignment company in the case of non-payment of the product price, etc.)
(4) When providing personal information to our affiliated group companies to the extent necessary to achieve the purpose of use stipulated in Article 3
(5) When it is necessary to refer to a personal credit information agency to investigate and confirm the customer's ability to pay
(6) When there is an inquiry from a credit card company to investigate fraudulent use of the card
(7) When it is necessary to respond to the provision of information based on laws and regulations
(8) When it is necessary to protect our rights or property
(9) When it is necessary to protect the interests of other customers
The above contractors and group companies are strictly prohibited from using or disclosing personal information for purposes other than the purpose of use by our company, or selling and selling such information. In addition, we will not provide, sell, or transfer personal information to a third party without the consent of the customer. However, this does not apply if disclosure/provision is requested and/or consented under the law.

6.Disclosure, management, modification and correction of personal information

Our shop will not disclose personal information to third parties without the consent of the customer. However, this does not apply to the following cases.

1.We will appoint our exclusive managers and exclusive security contractors as measures to protect and manage personal information, and will implement strict and safe management.

2. If a customer requests disclosure, change, or correction of his or her own personal information, the person in charge will promptly respond after confirming the request. If you are interested, please contact the following inquiry window.

Please contact by contactform

7.Application for suspension of use/provision

Our shop will not disclose personal information to third parties without the consent of the customer. However, this does not apply to the following cases.

1.Even if we obtain the customer's consent and use or provide the relevant information, if the customer requests or makes a request to stop the use or provision, we will not be able to use or provide the information. We will promptly take measures to stop the provision to our affiliated group companies. However, the minimum information necessary for the operation of our company cannot be deleted.

2.We will promptly stop receiving mailed catalogs, direct mail, telephone calls, faxes, e-mails, etc. from the customer. Please contact us using the form below.

Please contact by contact form

8.Disclaimer of personal information

Please see the notation based on the Act on Specified Commercial Transactions.

9.Information gathering on the Internet

1. Automatic information collection on the Internet Our website and various Internet services automatically collect customer access information recorded in logs, etc., using IP addresses, cookies, web beacons, etc. You must to do something before you go on. Access information to be collected includes browsing history of pages and articles, time spent on each page, browser and OS type/version, screen size, referrer, mouse trajectory, etc. The collected information is mainly used to understand and use the access status, identify and solve the cause of problems that occurred on the server, and better manage the site and services.

2. Our website may use cookies to collect access information. A cookie is a small piece of information that a site sends to your browser and may be stored as a file on your disk. By using cookies, the site can record which pages the customer has visited. In addition, we may provide services by combining cookies and member information registered by customers.
We may publish aggregated information that statistically processes the information obtained through the use of cookies. This does not include information that can identify individual customers. Customers can set their browsers to refuse cookies or display a warning when cookies are received. However, in the services of our website, if you do not accept cookies, the contents of the services may be restricted or unavailable.


10.Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA)

Our store complies with the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA).

・This site is not intended for children
・If you think or notice you may have entered personal information related to children, please contact us and we will remove it.

Please contact by contact form


Our website uses an encrypted communication technology called SSL (Secure Socket Layer) on pages where personal information and order-related information are sent and received. By using this encrypted communication technology, we are able to safely exchange important customer information.

12.Scope of application

The scope of application of the above privacy policy applies within this site.

This agreement also applies to paper media such as flyers and catalogs issued by the Company.

We will continue to strive to provide high-quality services and satisfy our customers, while carefully handling our customers' personal information. We ask for your consent to the handling of personal information of our customers.